Monday, January 11, 2010

Lets Celebrate the New Decade With a New Bag Tax?

Almost two weeks ago we welcomed in the new decade with a new tax in Washington D.C. I always thought we should only impose taxes in time of crisis. In other times we should manage what we have or in the case of taxes and the government, what we are given.

Last year one of the most aggressive taxes that I have ever encountered was levied on DC when the counsel passed the "Anacostia River Cleanup and Protection Act of 2009". This was not a tax that was needed to clean up the Anacostia River, rather the river was used as an excuse to create a tax and punish people like me that choose to shop with plastic bags. Additionally all of the river's problems were taxed upon plastic bag shoppers through a scheme of collective punishment, rather than fining those that litter.

Back in the early 1990s when I was serving in the military officers were taught that group punishment doesn't work because it is unfair to the majority. In this case people like myself that reuse our bags in our bathrooms and kitchens as trash bags (I also place a few in my son's diaper bag and pick up after my dog with them) are penalized because some people litter. Yet as anyone in the DC area knows, plastic bag litter is a minority of the litter we see. Cigarette buts, cans, bottles, paper are just a few of the things I came across walking my dog this afternoon as I wondered..."why am I financing these peoples bad litter habits?"

Can you believe today I was even charged for a bag at Subway?

I decided that this was too much government for me, we need to repeal the DC bag tax and possibly the DC Counsel. Please leave you comments about this tax and help build the cause "Repeal the DC Bag Tax"

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