Saturday, February 6, 2010

Audi's Drops the Ball at Super Bowl

As Washington DC begins its second month under the Wells Plastic Bag Tax, the Audi Car Company had given us much to think about...mostly insensativity.

Today I was asked to look at a Super Bowl Audi Car commercial portraying plastic bag possession as a crime. This year will be the third in a row where Audi is buying air time but it may be the last, at least for their ad firm. The Audi commercials show a ficticious and heavy handed environmental police force arresting people in their homes and during minor daily activities for what the portay as environmental crimes. This group is called "the green police" complete with green uniforms and logos.

So you are probably saying sounds funny that a group called the green police was aresting people for doing no harm other than having a plastic bag, and at first I thought it was cute but misguied. But then I read in horror (as reported in dailyfinance) that during World War II there was a Nazi Green police that rounded up people in their homes. But those peole were merely our Jewish ancestors.

Yeah it is sad that you portay plastic bags as a crime as we work to repeal an oppressive bag tax is forgivable.

But the realization that you use recreation of a repressize nazi police force to do it makes me want to vomit.

SHAME ON YOU AUDI. A German car company should know better than that! No excuse!

1 comment:

  1. Side note that should not distract from the issue...they are selling a fossile fuel burning car with their insensative green wash.
